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DE.CO.D.E. - Erasmus+ 


DE.CO.D.E.. wants to give our students the tools to "decode" the more and more changing and multicultural European society: the project rises from the shared need of reinforcing, through an international cooperation, the acquisition of the 8 KEY COMPETENCES FOR LIFELONG LEARNING which all  of our schools recognize as necessary for personal fulfilment and development, social INCLUSION, ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP and EMPLOYMENT in our changing, more and more multicultural Europe.

We all consider the 8 competences as the crucial starting base to develop aware and active future citizens.



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Schermata 2018-10-14 alle 13.55.44.png
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Schermata 2018-11-05 alle 05.36.11.png
Schermata 2019-01-04 alle 07.54.20.png
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Programme 2014-20, KA2, project number: 2018-1-LV01-KA229-046985. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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